Book Review Lynn Andrews Book Review Lynn Andrews

Where Only Storms Grow by Alyssa Colman

“I looked in her eyes and found determination. Her speech was halting, imperfect, and exactly what I needed to hear.  We were full of dust and dreams, but something stronger too. Something that couldn’t easily be blown over.” - Howe, Where Only Storm Grow

This historical fiction novel about a pair of twins living in Oklahoma in the spring of 1935 is engaging and fast-paced. This story uses duel narrators, twins Joanna and Howe Stanton, to give a glimpse into what it was like to grow up during the Dust Bowl. Themes of family, community and survival are all present.

I especially enjoyed the relationships among the characters in this story. Regardless of how they were connected, there is kinship and a ‘we are all in this together’ aspect that lent hope regardless of the trials and tribulations each of the characters were facing.

As a former middle school ELA teacher, I think this novel is well-researched and would be a good complement to a non-fiction piece about the Dust Bowl and/or Black Sunday.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Publishers for the advanced copy to read. All opinions here are my own.

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Book Review Lynn Andrews Book Review Lynn Andrews

Open for Book Reviews

I’m very happy to announce that I’ve been approved to review upcoming and new novels on NetGalley! I’ll be reading and writing reviews for Middle Grade, Teens & YA, Historical Fiction, Women’s Fiction and Mystery & Thrillers.

First up is a Middle Grade novel titled Where Only Storms Grow by Alyssa Colman.💨🌾

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